for the
greater good

In today’s corporate landscape, leadership principles often sway between aggressive ambition and ethical grounding. Drawing inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi’s satyagraha, Azim Khamisa presents a compelling case for a revolutionary leadership style.

Here’s how this guide can elevate your leadership journey:

  • Understand the pivotal triad of professional brilliance, solution-driven initiatives, and uncompromising moral values.
  • Embrace the satyagrahi leader pro
    file that harmonizes ambition with the spirit, turning corporate aims into community benefits.
  • Navigate modern business by adhering to truth, ensuring your corporation remains ethically aligned.
  • Learn from diverse, lesser-known, yet impactful leaders with out-of-the-box thinking.

Equip your leadership strategy with deep-rooted ethics and a vision for societal betterment. Join Azim Khamisa in shaping leaders who not only lead industries but also nurture communities. As the corporate world grapples with its challenges, let’s redefine what leadership entails.

About the author

Azim Noordin Khamisa – an author, thought leader, peace activist, and international inspirational speaker – was born in Kenya, Africa of Eastern roots. Azim had early training in mathematics, economics and international finance in the United Kingdom. A successful international investment banker with over 45 years of experience, he has conducted business in Africa, the Middle East, Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia. (www.SovereignCapitalMarkets.com).

A man always on the go, taking action for societal transformation, he is the Founder and Chairperson of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation now in its 25th year (www.TKF.org). Azim is the Co-Founder of the Constant And Never Ending Improvement (CANEI) program established in 2001 in partnership with the National Youth Advocate Program (www.nyap.org), currently active in several cities and is in its 19th year (LINK). He serves as Vice-Chair of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (www.Noetic.org), which studies consciousness and was founded by Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the moon, some 46 years ago.